Thursday, June 29, 2006

all the more reason

A (presumably) Christian pastor here in Columbia has neatly summarized a few of the best arguments against Islamo-Judeo-Christianity. Thank you Pastor Dooley.

These include:

critical mass

Much as I want to stick it to the cars and their drivers this is not a good idea. Hopefully, it's probably the same wankers who wobble on the sidewalk or on the wrong side of the street. At night. With no lights.

I am a critical mass. Critical mass will only be achieved when we get more responsible riders riding responsibly as they go about their daily business. Not by a bunch of folks clogging the roads.

Besides, the damn rules of the road are good for something. Everytime I go and do something I know I shouldn't, like ride up alongside the cars stopped at a light I just about get creamed by a driver who didn't know I was there. Better to wait in line than in triage.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

tooth fairy?

Caution spoiler ahead!

Did you know that compared to 35 years ago, kids get 10 times the reward from the tooth fairy? I have talked with several parents and the consensus seems to be that the tooth fairy brings "about a buck" per tooth. I think I got a dime. Dang! you say? Consider that I remember buying gum and baseball cards and candy for a dime or quarter back then. So a dollar for a tooth seems to be about on target. 75 cents may be more equitable but can you imagine the trouble that would cause the tooth fairy? lugging around three heavy coins per kid when one lightweight crisp 1 dollar bill would do the same if not better?

That said, Nora lost a tooth last week. (If any kids if are reading this, stop. Now.)

After eating dinner and watching some World Cup at my brother-in-law's house we came home and crashed. Nora had the sense to put her tooth under her pillow before she hit the hay. Now...I usually stand in for the tooth fairy, delivering the booty early in the morning if not late at night, but this time the "tooth fairy" had no energy to stay up either and forgot to fish out the tooth and replace it with a dollar. However, after a few hours sleep, I did have the energy to ride early the next morning. Then, as I was finishing up my ride Bridget called and asked if I had replaced the tooth? No, I had not. As soon as I got home I went into Nora's room and looked at the scrunched up pillow and knew that, even though it was in a baggie, it would be difficult to find the tooth without disturbing her. I barely lifted the very edge of the pillow case just a bit but let go and it fall back down. I didn't really even move the pillow at all. Just as the pillow case touched the bed, a "sleeping" litte girl stretched out a hand and said, "Dollar!"