Sunday, November 26, 2006

bmi and sports

Girls sports. I had been thinking that Nora would like cross-country (she says otherwise). The Columbia Track Club has a youth xc program which looks like a lot of fun for the kids. She competed in a race recently with them and did really well but did not enjoy it. Now I read of Propam's experience in women's xc and I think Nora would be better off sticking to soccer. At least it seems that soccer doesn't have the obsession with weight that other sports such as xc and cycling have. Eating disorders that lead to lifelong problems. Sometimes I think that Nora may be a little small for soccer because some of those women are big. Not fat or anything but stout, obviously in good shape when you seem them running around out there. Since ACL injuries have been on my mind lately, I have found out that they are more prevelant among female atheletes than male. Especially soccer players. But a torn acl is nothing when you compare it to the problems that the eating disorders can create.

Now to male eating disorders. It's holiday season and for the first time I can't run or ride off the food I eat. If I didn't want to be competitive I wouldn't really worry about it at all but it will be that much harder to get back in shape after surgery if I have to ride off extra weight too. Just ask Jan.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Wednesday December 6 is the first day of next season. Training for Fall 2007 cyclocross racing starts then. That is also the day after I have knee surgery to repair my torn acl, ripped medial meniscus, and the worn-out covering of the medial condyle of the femur (in other words, osteoarthritis). I will be receiving an allo graft. That is a piece of ligament from a dead guy (now I'll have to sign the back of my driver's license!) and physical therapy starts about 24 hours after my outpatient surgery. Actually I already have started therapy as I have some pre-operative exercises to do 2x per day; leg lifts and other quad strengthening exercises.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

this really sucks

Well I ain't going to St. Louis to race today. My knee which is now the size of a grapefruit was totally screwed up yesterday trying not to fall off a damn mound on the downhill course which was included in the cx course that we raced yesterday. I guess I'll go to the doctor tomorrow. I can hardly walk. The best I can do is shuffle around stiff legged. Dammit dammit dammit, I suppose this probably means that the entire cx season is blown. Dammit!

I did see Bubba. He looks a fine hound.

Friday, Nora took an IQ test to see if she qualifies for Triple E, EEE, the advanced education program here in Columbia. We should hear the results in a couple of weeks. Talk about a test, "Here kid, we know you are smart but let's see if you are smart enough to earn the official label of Smart Kid."

Friday, November 03, 2006

glass houses

"The president of the National Association of Evangelicals, an outspoken opponent of gay marriage, has given up his post while a church panel investigates allegations he paid a man for sex. "

hee hee