Chris Hedges's new book, “American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America,” examines how Christian dominionists are seeking absolute power and a Christian state. According to Hedges, the movement bears a strong resemblance to the young fascist movements in Italy and Germany in the 1920s and '30s. - from Democracy Now!You can read the transcript or listen or watch streaming video.
Scared? You should be. It's not too late but since these people, just like the Nazis, are good at preying on the fears and prejudices of even the most moderate folks, we need to be on our guard and not let them get the upper hand. Everything, Every Damn Thing, I hold dear and believe in they would ban, criminalize, and destroy. They are called dominionists because they believe their god has given them power over everything on Earth.
More is threatened than many of us might realize by the agenda of the dominionist right. It's not simply gays or abortion--the so-called "family agenda" issues--that they are addressing, although these are hot button concerns that they use to mobilize their base. These so-called Christians have adopted a grotesquely nationalist, militarist agenda. They are pushing a brand of politics that is very similar to the classical fascists in terms of deference to powerful leader figures, and extreme reliance on a hierarchal, top-down power-over model. What's at stake is more than just our freedom--as important as that is--but in fact is our very survival. --Mark Haim from the PeaceNook
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