Saturday, May 19, 2007

Nora power

From Friday's paper:

Gerik Parmele photo
Lee Elementary School third-grader Nora Hargett, center, leaves Flat Branch Park this morning with about 70 other bicyclists and walkers from the school after a free breakfast provided by Broadway Diner. Also participating are Kim Dill, far right, and Nora’s mother, Bridget Murphy, center left. This weekend is the conclusion of Bike, Walk and Wheel Week. Tomorrow’s events include a final rally with free food and music beginning at 2 p.m. at Stephens Lake Park. For a complete list of tomorrow’s activities, visit

That's my daughter! She says she'll never get a car.

1 comment:

Haricot Verts said...

"never get a car" wise beyond her years, you are lucky.