Monday, September 10, 2007


It's been a while since I wrote.
Here's a summary:
Work, eat, bike, disc golf, watch soccer. And celebrated our 16th anniversary Aug. 31. 16 years wow! THe kids stayed with a friend while we ate at Sycamore, and the Upper Crust. MMmmmm good! Especially the dessert at Upper Crust. We even got a hotel room over night.

Big news this week of more day of work and then I am outta here. Tuesday a.m. road trip to KC for the first stage of ToM. I think I'll stay overnight in KC with my inlaws before heading to the start of Stage 2 in Clinton on Wednesday. Maybe I'll have pictures next time.


Haricot Verts said...


Enjoy the tour.

Kirk said...

congratulations - 16 years! seems like just yesterday.