Saturday, January 13, 2007

olive branches

Christmastime 1989. I was visiting a good friend in Freiburg during my year in Germany. Though I don't recall how she got there, there was an American girl with us in his apartment. I was "entertaining" her and while I don't remember her name and how or where I met her, I do remember she wanted to read each and every day of his daily Far Side calendar for 1990. Much to my friends distress, I humored her since she was female and I was a bachelor seeking companionship (it soon became obvious that once again I was looking in all the wrong places). I ended up escorting her home and leaving her there alone.

Every once in a while I am reminded of my friend's agony at having his entire year read out in advance by this girl and his "friend." Usually it happens when Bridget is upset that someone (we in her family all know better now) reads ahead in one of her daily calendars.

So I sent him a new Far Side daily calendar as a way of making up for this old faux pas.

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