Sunday, February 04, 2007

not so good

Last Monday I went to the gym to ride the stationary bike again and do some leg presses as prescribed in my physical therapy regimen. Great. I had been feeling good and walking with one crutch. Basically on top of the world. The world came crashing down on me after ten minutes on the bike. I developed some pain in my knee which grew progressively worse until Tuesday night. I hardly slept. Went to the doc's Wendesday and he was not optimistic at all. He fears that the catilage patch he put on my leg wasn't healing. That would be Bad. He mentioned "femur transplant." I don't know about you but I am not excited by the idea of replacing my femur because a bit of cartilage is torn off but I guess cartilage is like that; once gone always gone. I'm hoping for some new stem cells to find their way into my leg.

I am supposed to call him again tomorrow and let him know how my knee is doing. Right now I would say it is doing pretty darn good. The excruciating pain I experienced Tuesday night disappeared almost completely and every day there is less. Of course, I haven't ridden and have protected my leg from putting much weight on it. Basically I feel like where I was two or three weeks ago. We'll see what he says tomorrow and Wednesday after I go to see him in person.

The upshot of it all is that it may be a while before I walk let alone ride.


Haricot Verts said...

hang in there and keep us posted

S. Smith said...

Dude, coming from someone with a completely messed up left patella and not much cartilage remaining in it, I think you should get a 2nd, 3rd, and even a 4th opinion before you even contemplate a new femur. Funny thing is, Dr. Smith is the one who looked at my knee 20 years ago and told me not to worry about it. . . .

S. Smith said...

Anyway, in my experience with knee pain, cartilage isn't the crux of the matter--its quad strength and flexibility. Lots of elite runner AND cyclists have limited amounts of cartilage, but its all compensated for with strength. Indeed, that's what chondramelacia is, which I have in both knees, but stretching, Time pedals, and strength all help minimize any discomfort.