Sunday, November 27, 2005

do the right thing

I was plannning on racing today but several things have come together to make this less than likely. Bridget has developed a bad cold and has a lot of work to do. I think she has something like 20 papers to grade before tomorrow and then work on her lecture for tomorrow as well. It's raining outside so that the kids, assuming they are still well, won't be able to do much outside. The house is a mess and there are a ton of dishes to do. All this means that it wouldn't be very fair to Bridget if I left to play for a day and she was home to deal with all of it on her own. I could take the kids but I don't think they would enjoy standing out in the cold while Dad got all muddy riding his bike. Plus, jeez, I was up until midnight last night and didn't sleep well (poker and beer at some friends). And it's not like I am leading the points race in the Bubba series or have done most of the races. If I skip this weekend I'll most likely go to KC and race next weekend in the Missouri State CX Championships. What's the weather supposed to be like?

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