Friday, October 27, 2006

i thought i had legs redux

The results are posted for the Rock Bridge Revenge. I finished 17th of 32 runners in the 20k. I prefer to think of that as not Middle-of-the-pack but First Place! in the second half of the pack. Also I finished 3rd in my age group (out of 8, if I counted right). Props to Bill Stolz for a great 3rd place finish overall in the 10k!

In other news: I am now a Cat three cyclocrosser. Middle-of-the-Pack here we come! Thanks Mike W. I did more CX races in my first year of cyclocross than I did road races in all my years of cycling (33).

In non-cycling news: The Columbia Business Times (which I haven't read at all until a few days ago) evidently has some very fascist leanings or at least it's columnists do. Some guy named Larry Schuster. A paragraph from his recent column in the CBT whining about the smoking ban:
Our brands of do-gooders are self-righteous souls who live under the narcotic delusion that they are the conscience of our community. They make exceptions to fit their playtime but not mine. In my opinion, their concentration in Columbia is akin to the goose population in Stephens Park, just a few too many in a small place. Maybe we should sponsor a roundup and relocation program. Surely scientists will soon discover these folks to be a new breed of hypocrites: “homo sapien goose poopalous.” (my emphasis)
OK. two things here:
  1. The idea that people he doesn't like should be rounded up and sent elsewhere smacks a bit of fascist policies of the Nazi era. or perhaps more to his liking stalinist policies.
  2. As my 13 year old son pointed out: perhaps there are so many of these "do-gooders" in Columbia because they are a majority.
2 questions arise...who the hell is Larry Schuster and how did he get elected to the city council?

While I am on the topic of CBT...Their cover story is about a "consulting firm" who (get this doublespeak) is,"known nationally for its creative mail, radio and strategic communications." Sounds like advertising to me. There is also a fairytale and another screed about the selfishness of the West Broadway folks against 4 lanes in the middle of town. (yes Providence should be made 2 lanes). Jesus! makes me want to barf.

Thanks for reading.

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