Wednesday, December 14, 2005


That's it I am done. I can't take it anymore. There is just no way to get through to these people. They make me feel like throwing up.
Minority tries to undermine America’s Christian customs "As a member of the so-called "silent majority," I am herewith breaking my silence. The ever-increasing crescendo by the anti-Christian zealots in their constant denouncement of everything that suggests Christianity is enraging and insulting."
Kudos to Boston’s mayor for Christmas Tree stand "Christians have stayed silent too long...If someone is going to be offended by someone praying to God, then they should carry earplugs and use them."
Retailers choose to ignore Christmas’ true importance "What happened to Christmas? I just finished looking through 11 retail ads that arrived with my Dec. 4 Tribune. I did not find the word "Christmas" printed even once in the texts of any of these 11 publications...I have seen the story about the Grinch who stole Christmas, but that’s just a fairy tale."
I am happy to let others try.
Season’s bleatings trivialize Christmas "Some of the earliest Christians were stoned for their beliefs. In some parts of the world today, Christianity is a crime punishable by death. And the AFA is feeling persecuted because a salesclerk says "Happy holidays"? That’s not persecution. It’s a persecution complex."
Those who claim Christmas has been stolen only divide "Christians carry their beliefs in their hearts, and they reflect their faith through their generosity of spirit and by the way they treat others."
In the words of one of those persecuted in the above letters, "I suggest that these people lighten up and enjoy this wonderful time of year along with the rest of us." Minority tries to undermine America’s Christian customs

From now on only happy happy things: bike riding, my kids, bike racing, my family, riding bikes with my family.

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