Tuesday, December 20, 2005

is anyone excited about the holidays?

There is a certain 7 year old girl at my house who is pretty darn excited for Christmas. The stockings are hung with on the piano with care. There are packages under the tree. But you want to know how I can tell she is excited? For the past two evenings she has spent what seems like an hour runnning back and forth between the dining room window and the front door singing christmas songs. over and over and over and over. It's really very sweet. Naturally one is not supposed to run in the house but I haven't the heart nor the wish to make stop. All I can do is ask her to change her song once in a while for variety's sake.

I myself am excited for Solstice (tomorrow!). The days will be getting longer, which means more sunlight for riding. But if I remember right the daylight usually starts extending in the evening first before the morning.


S. Smith said...

I have to admit that I love Christmastime, but even though I've tried my best for about 15 years I've had trouble getting into the holiday spirit.

With a new child its even more special, and Christmas truly has a new meaning.

Dean Hargett said...

I have had a tough time too. I used to get up early and decorate the house but now it's all I can do just to watch the kids do it. Maybe tonight after wrapping presents I'll put up some more lights and greenery.